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Graphic Designing A Modern Art

GRAPHIC  DESIGNING   A  MODERN ART As I have discussed about Art in my previous blog so in this I am going to tell you about graphic...

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Graphic Designing A Modern Art


As I have discussed about Art in my previous blog so in this I am going to tell you about graphic designing which is  a lot in demand nowadays with neck to neck competition to the old Art
Graphic Designing is a digital art in which you can create visual creativity by  combining images, text, color and shapes to convey an effective information through different kinds of designs like banners, logos, magzine, newsletters , posters, visiting cards , through other type of visual communications . Similar to the  old art the modern art also have 4 basic elements which are the pillars of graphic designing that are line, shape ,color, texture.

Detailing on 4 elements

          It helps you  to create style, different shapes  and also used to create borders.

                To understand the color one should have the basic understanding of color theory
Color theory : it is based on Isaac newton’s color wheel,which shows 3 groups: primary colors (red ,blue & yellow) secondary colors ( mixing of two primary colors) and intermediate( mixing of primary with secondary colors to create intermediate color.
Colors can be combine to form 5 main colors schemes which allows designers to achieve harmony in their creativity. These are
  •          Analogous: based on 3 colors located next to each other
  •          Complementary: one or more pairs of colors that,when combined,cancel each other out( i.e they produce    high contrast)
  •          Split complementary: a combination of analogous and complementary schemes
  •          Triadic : using three colors at equal distances from each other on the wheel
  •          Tetradic : using two sets of complementary pairs
SHAPES: shapes are the enclosed objects that can be created by joining two lines or more like rectangle ,square,triangles                     etc
TEXTURE: it is the surface look of the object created by varying dark and light areas.
  •   Roughness
  •   Smoothness
  •   Depth
Different application of graphic designing
  •           Website designing
  •          Animated designing
  •           Banner designing
  •           Logo designing
  •           Package designing
  •          Visiting cards
  •           Gift packs designing
  •           Greeting card designing

TOOLS which are used in graphic designing
  •            Biezere tool
  •           Text tool
  •           Shape tool
  •           Free hand tool
  •           Pan tool
  •           Paint brush tool
  •           Gradient tool
  •           Mesh tool
  •           Path finder tool
  •           Lasso tool
  •           Magic wound tool
  •           Shading tool

SOFTWARE used for graphic designing

  •             Corel draw
  •            Photoshop
  •            Illustrator

Function of graphic designing

  •           Design can make brand memorable and create visibility among audience
  •          Beautiful design make us stand up and  notice among people
  •           Design can make brand different from the crowd


So at the end I have come to a conclusion both old way of art as well as the new digital art have its own beauty with its merits and demerits. But  as per me both have its own identity and cannot be compared.
Have a nice day and do share your reviews with me J J

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Art that never die

When i was a kid i used to play with the things which my  father used to bring for me and after playing with it i every time break that thing and make a new one  out of it and then breaking the other and connecting them together making new and so on ............................this is how i get into the world of art from my childhood. For me art is a gift of god  and it is available every were,it is just we need to take a deep breath close our eyes and feel the things what is happening around us and  we are there. 
From my childhood to adult i have  learned many things and been into many but at the end only one thing which sugget everyone to understand and takeaway is if you have the ability to see and convert  anything  into creativity and  make it feel alive for me this is what an art all about. 
this page has been created  to show up my art work to whole world and to giveaway many of the new creative ideas and my life long experience to the people.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

About art

An art is an effective tool through which you can delineate your inner feelings . Art is the way to convey emotions & communicate your beautiful thoughts to people. The beauty of art  is in your hand, the emotions are in your heart and the talent in your brain and when you mix these three together i.e art+ emotions+ talent……… create your own wondrous things.
Art could  be anything and can differentiate from person to person for say………………..  You can create your own melodious song which you always wanted  to sing, you can even design your own dress to look as the way you want, you  can construct your  own  beautiful  digs  to live. To Express one’s inner feelings is not an easy task for lots of folks. Some folks  would rather write these feelings down or some of them show it through other mode of communication such as poetry, melodious tune, or visual arts than say it out loud. This is what art is all about: the personation of a person’s innermost thoughts and feelings. We live in a that world where we see a bunch of stuff every day and it is important for us  for  striking something  everytime where we can engage with it.  Once you start engaging with it, you   start  seeing  interesting symbols  like the  school in the painting that might bring back some feelings for you when you were younger and thinking about things of childhood days.
After all, Money cannot buy happiness but through art  one  can create happiness. It takes the right eyes to perceive the art and the beauty behind it and John Keats has rightly said, "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."