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Graphic Designing A Modern Art

GRAPHIC  DESIGNING   A  MODERN ART As I have discussed about Art in my previous blog so in this I am going to tell you about graphic...

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

About art

An art is an effective tool through which you can delineate your inner feelings . Art is the way to convey emotions & communicate your beautiful thoughts to people. The beauty of art  is in your hand, the emotions are in your heart and the talent in your brain and when you mix these three together i.e art+ emotions+ talent……… create your own wondrous things.
Art could  be anything and can differentiate from person to person for say………………..  You can create your own melodious song which you always wanted  to sing, you can even design your own dress to look as the way you want, you  can construct your  own  beautiful  digs  to live. To Express one’s inner feelings is not an easy task for lots of folks. Some folks  would rather write these feelings down or some of them show it through other mode of communication such as poetry, melodious tune, or visual arts than say it out loud. This is what art is all about: the personation of a person’s innermost thoughts and feelings. We live in a that world where we see a bunch of stuff every day and it is important for us  for  striking something  everytime where we can engage with it.  Once you start engaging with it, you   start  seeing  interesting symbols  like the  school in the painting that might bring back some feelings for you when you were younger and thinking about things of childhood days.
After all, Money cannot buy happiness but through art  one  can create happiness. It takes the right eyes to perceive the art and the beauty behind it and John Keats has rightly said, "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."

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