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Graphic Designing A Modern Art

GRAPHIC  DESIGNING   A  MODERN ART As I have discussed about Art in my previous blog so in this I am going to tell you about graphic...

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Art that never die

When i was a kid i used to play with the things which my  father used to bring for me and after playing with it i every time break that thing and make a new one  out of it and then breaking the other and connecting them together making new and so on ............................this is how i get into the world of art from my childhood. For me art is a gift of god  and it is available every were,it is just we need to take a deep breath close our eyes and feel the things what is happening around us and  we are there. 
From my childhood to adult i have  learned many things and been into many but at the end only one thing which sugget everyone to understand and takeaway is if you have the ability to see and convert  anything  into creativity and  make it feel alive for me this is what an art all about. 
this page has been created  to show up my art work to whole world and to giveaway many of the new creative ideas and my life long experience to the people.

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